Sunday, September 30, 2007

How blacks, liberals (subliminally) view the US?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars? --

Republican front-runners weren't the only things missing from the presidential debate stage. The American flag was AWOL, too.

The backdrop to the "All-American Presidential Forum," brought to you by Tavis Smiley and PBS, was a map of the United States, superimposed with a checkerboard of multicultural faces.

Rep. Duncan Hunter of California, one of the presidential hopefuls, asked debate organizers to get Old Glory up there, too, according to Chris Cavey, first vice chairman of the state GOP

Cavey was acting as an escort for another candidate, Tom Tancredo of Colorado, and heard Hunter's request over his earpiece about half an hour before the show began.

"Escorts were wired. I heard [in the earpiece], 'Congressman Hunter is requesting a flag on stage,'" Cavey said.

Request denied.

Forum organizers also did not return calls seeking comment.

The buzz among some Republicans was that organizers thought the flag might "offend" some members of the audience.

France's illegal immigrant hunt stirs tensions | - Houston Chronicle

France's illegal immigrant hunt stirs tensions | - Houston Chronicle

A worldwide problem for successful nations, France also has a problem with illegals. And they have the same kind of liberal nuts there as here.

Friday, September 28, 2007

¿usted se lavó las manos antes de hacer mi hamburguesa?

ICE Officers Detain 56 Illegal Workers in McDonald's Immigration Sweep: Federal agents have arrested several dozen employees in raids at 11 McDonald's restaurants in northern Nevada as part of an ongoing investigation into illegal immigration.

U.S. sues Illinois for blocking immigration crackdown

U.S. sues Illinois for blocking immigration crackdown -- "The state of Illinois has now made it illegal to comply with federal law," Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said in an interview. "That's not acceptable as a matter of the Constitution, and it's not acceptable as a matter of our discharging our federal obligation to enforce the immigration laws."

In an unusually personal critique, Chertoff said the Illinois law, the Right to Privacy at Work Act, showcases the hypocrisy of politicians who slam the federal government for not enforcing immigration laws, then make it harder to do so.

"We're beginning to see the schizophrenic nature of the way some politicians are looking at it," Chertoff said. "They're now coming back and saying, 'We want you to enforce the law, but we don't want you to do anything that would actually lead to enforcement.'

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Illegal Immigrants Charged In Maryland Terrorism Ring

Illegal Immigrants Charged In Maryland Terrorism Ring

Proving that immigration enforcement is crucial to national security, at least nine of the Middle Easterners recently arrested in Maryland for laundering millions to finance al-Qaida lived in the United States illegally.

A lengthy FBI investigation led to the indictments of dozens of Muslims, many of Pakistani descent, involved in a $5 million money-laundering scheme that financed illegal activities worldwide as well as terrorist organizations.

U.S. Sues Illinois For Defying Immigration Law

Link to article

The Department of Homeland Security announced recently that it would begin fining employers who hire illegal immigrants as well as those who don’t fire workers caught using fake Social Security numbers. Reluctant to abide by the new rules, Illinois passed legislation prohibiting the use of a federal database utilized to verify identities and therefore detect illegal workers.

Signed into law by Governor Rod Blagojevich last month, the measure actually prevents the state’s 750 employers that currently participate in the federal program from continuing to do so. The Illinois law is scheduled to take effect in January 2008 and would clearly protect the state’s large illegal immigrant population which is estimated to be around 500,000.

Monday, September 17, 2007

3 year-old Raped by Illegal Alien

Michelle Malkin » Go ahead and spit, Geraldo:

A 3-year-old girl was found abused and bleeding Thursday night, and officials have arrested her uncle, an illegal alien, for child molestation.

Salvador Luna, 29, who was previously deported, was arrested on suspicion of sexual abuse of a child and was taken to the Victorville sheriff’s station where he underwent a physical examination, said Detective Ryan Collins.

Democrats Try to Revive Immigration Provisions

The Corner on National Review Online:

Immigration Again [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

From Congressional Quarterly:

Democrats Try to Revive Immigration Provisions

Senate Democrats plan to use the defense authorization bill next week to revive a provision from the failed immigration overhaul that would put some children of illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship.

Meanwhile, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., is working to bring to the floor another provision from the immigration bill (S 1639) that would create a guest worker program for up to 1.5 million agricultural workers (S 340).

Both efforts are likely to rekindle the kind of heated debate that engulfed the Senate when the immigration overhaul measure was being considered in June.

Majority Whip Richard J. Durbin, D-Ill., is expected to offer an amendment to the defense bill (HR 1585) that would attach legislation (S 774) to allow children of illegal immigrants who entered the United States before age 16 and lived here at least five years to gain conditional legal status and eventual citizenship if they attend college or join the military for at least two years.

"Gods and Generals" Director takes on Illegal Immigration

The Daily News Record: Top News:
‘Gods And Generals’ Filmmaker Takes on Illegal Immigration Posted 2007-09-17
Curt Helps Finance Maxwell’s Forthcoming Documentary

Ron Maxwell’s documentary grew out of his growing awareness of the immigration problem as he traveled back and forth from New York City, where he grew up, to Los Angeles.

He was raised in an ethnic neighborhood in New Jersey in the 1950s that included Italians, Polish and German immigrants.

Assimilation into the culture was important to them, he said. “There was no inkling of separatism. There was no inkling of anti-Americanism,” he said.

But that is not the same feeling, he says, among immigrants today,

“One way or another, either by out right annexation, which could happen in 20 to 30 years from now, or through demographic change, they see it as a re-conquering,” Maxwell said of some Mexican politicians and intellectuals.

Triple Threat

A central part of the problem, Maxwell said, are “post patriotic non-citizens” running large corporations that put financial interests above those of the country.

The corporate leaders are in an alliance with politicians and opinion leaders in the Hispanic community, he said.

“They are taking America to the New World order, which will have no borders,” Maxwell said.

Because of this coalition, politicians are disconnected to the desires of the country’s citizens, Maxwell said.

“They are not elected,” he said, “to be representatives of the billions of people in the world that want to come here.”

Stern Measures

Maxwell favors cracking down on illegal immigration by enforcing current laws.

He favors stiff penalties for large businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

Maxwell supports no amnesty for illegal immigrants. He wants to make sure that those here illegally have no chance of gaining U.S. citizenship.

He also supports building a wall to protect the international borders.

Walls along highways for noise abatements are built but none are constructed for national security, Maxwell pointed out.

“It’s a complete collapse of will,” he said. “It’s worse than that: It’s a betrayal of the American people.”

Citizen Action

As grim a picture Maxwell paints on immigration, the filmmaker believes it is not too late for Americans to do something to curb the tide.

Every election, even those at the local level, are important, he said.

“This is now about reclaiming our sovereignty,” he said. “It’s going to happen at the grassroots.”

If politicians do not listen to voters, Maxwell said an alternative is for people to stop paying taxes.

“The American people are funding their own suicide. If we stop paying taxes, this craziness stops,” he said.

Contact Jeff Mellott at 574-6290 or

Friday, September 7, 2007

Immigration, Crime Debates Entwined -

Immigration, Crime Debates Entwined - "With a single sentence in a news release, a slaying in Prince William County gained high-profile treatment this week, not because of how the crime was committed, but because of who police say did it: a twice-deported illegal immigrant.

What was not mentioned before -- a suspect's legal status -- is now un-ignorable in a county that is leading the charge against illegal immigration."

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Herndon to Shut Down Center for Day Laborers -

Herndon to Shut Down Center for Day Laborers -

What happened here is that the courts have decided to overrule the desires of the community.

"The town's plan began to collapse last year when a Reston man, Stephen A. Thomas, ticketed for hiring a laborer in the parking lot of the Elden Street 7-Eleven, challenged the law on First Amendment grounds. A district court found in favor of the town, but Fairfax Circuit Court Judge Leslie Alden ruled for Thomas on Aug. 29.

Alden said the anti-solicitation ordinance fell short not only on First Amendment grounds but also under the equal protection requirements of the 14th Amendment. She said the Herndon center was not sufficient to make up for the ban on job solicitation because the town intended to bar illegal immigrants from the site. Alden said the Supreme Court has ruled that the equal protection provision applies to noncitizens as well."

So I'm saying, "What the hell?" I'm surprised at the Supreme Court; not totally surprised at the district judge; but very surprised at the trumping of citizen/residents desires over that of immigrants "speech." Hell, who can understand them anyway?

We make no sense anymore.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

An Immediate Solution!

I was thinking about what to do about the steady influx of people crossing the American borders illegally. The government won't stop them, but when considering the breadth of the news, I think this might be a viable solution:

Congress should resolve a new act, whereby 4 things will occur:

1. All individuals in the USA illegally shall be immediately granted provisional citizenship, dependent on their registry with the Social Security Administration, Internal Revenue Service and Selective Service. This shall include females.
2. The military draft shall be immediately reinstated.
3. Iraq shall be told to make progress or get off the pot. The country shall have a "surge" of approximately 10 million brand-spanking-new troops.
4. Iran shall be issued notice that they will stand down all nuclear activities and all actions concerning Iraq and Afghanistan, lest the aforementioned troops be told to take a right turn at Baghdad.

You see, nearly overnight, we will no longer have illegal aliens. Our military will increase by close to 12 million people. And the middle east will become more peaceful (eventually).

Of course, you may have trouble having your pool cleaned...

Thank God Someone's Doing Something

Agencies Propose Joint Effort to Deport Illegal Immigrants -

"Five law enforcement agencies in and around Prince William County are seeking to join forces to combat illegal immigration with a proposal for federal training in deportation procedures that local officials said would be one of the first of its kind in the nation.

The multi-agency proposal comes as Republican leaders in the state legislature have announced a measure that would require city and county jails to check the immigration status of defendants in criminal cases."

Counties Sift Through Policies on Illegal Immigrants -

Counties Sift Through Policies on Illegal Immigrants -

"I keep hearing, 'Legally, you can't do this, you can't do that, someone wants to sue, the ACLU is waiting,' ' Supervisor Stephen J. Snow (R-Dulles) said. 'It's like everyone wants to handcuff you.'

Loudoun and Prince William are among U.S. towns and counties seeking to push illegal immigrants out since Congress failed to enact immigration reform this year."

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Almost half of uninsured in America are illegal aliens

Almost half of uninsured in America illegal aliens

Immigration to add 105 million people to U.S.

Immigration Chronicles: Study: Immigration to add 105 million people to U.S.:

"According to the report, issued this morning at a Washington news conference, the U.S. population will rise from 301 million people today to 468 million in 2060 --with immigration accounting for 63 percent of the growth. That would be the equivalent of adding 13 new cities the size of New York to the U.S. population, the study's author, Steven Camarota, estimates.

The report, by the way, can be found at:"

Federal count of illegal immigrants put at 11.6 million | - Houston Chronicle

Federal count of illegal immigrants put at 11.6 million | - Houston Chronicle:

"The government report noted that illegal immigration jumped 37 percent from its previous estimate of 8.5 million in 2000. The results also paralleled previously established trends on migrants' nationalities and where they're settling."

Illegal workers face new federal offensive

Search Results | Seattle Times Newspaper:

"In letters to be mailed starting Tuesday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will warn employers of some 8 million workers nationwide that they must fire any employee who lacks a valid Social Security number or risk criminal charges and hefty fines.

"Millions of illegal immigrants land jobs by using an assortment of phony documents — including fabricated or stolen Social Security numbers. And with unemployment at record-low levels, this new Homeland Security regulation is creating angst in a range of industries.

"But employers and the government, he said, 'don't really want to enforce the law.'"

Apparently, neither do the labor unions, as the AFL-CIO has formally asked the INS to not send out letters telling employers they are at legal risk if they hire people in the US illegally.

To which we ask the question: whom are the unions representing? Illegals who are non-union members?

Makes no sense. Union members are urged to ask this question, themselves.