Wednesday, September 5, 2007

An Immediate Solution!

I was thinking about what to do about the steady influx of people crossing the American borders illegally. The government won't stop them, but when considering the breadth of the news, I think this might be a viable solution:

Congress should resolve a new act, whereby 4 things will occur:

1. All individuals in the USA illegally shall be immediately granted provisional citizenship, dependent on their registry with the Social Security Administration, Internal Revenue Service and Selective Service. This shall include females.
2. The military draft shall be immediately reinstated.
3. Iraq shall be told to make progress or get off the pot. The country shall have a "surge" of approximately 10 million brand-spanking-new troops.
4. Iran shall be issued notice that they will stand down all nuclear activities and all actions concerning Iraq and Afghanistan, lest the aforementioned troops be told to take a right turn at Baghdad.

You see, nearly overnight, we will no longer have illegal aliens. Our military will increase by close to 12 million people. And the middle east will become more peaceful (eventually).

Of course, you may have trouble having your pool cleaned...

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