Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sanctuary Cities

When I first heard of sanctuary cities, places where illegal aliens can move about without fear of discovery or deportation, I was appalled. Imagine that elected officials - people who are American citizens elected by other American citizens to conduct business which includes upholding law and protecting us - were openly flaunting that they were directing police and others under their charge to do the opposite of Federal law. I refer to cases such as Newark, NJ's mayor Cory Booker who said that "under his watch" people in this country illegally would not be sought.

I was outraged on many levels, not the least of which is that this posture is itself a violation of law. However, I've since calmed down and thought about about it and agree with Booker, at least for Newark and the other cities who choose to be sanctuaries for illegal aliens.

My reason? There's an old saying that goes, People get the government they deserve. In this case, the liberal voters in sanctuary cities will get an ever-increasing number of illegal aliens there. It will drain their public services, increase crime, increase disease, take jobs away from the poor, generally lower the standard of living, and likely kill a great number of them. Further, if the illegals congregate in one area, it will be a simpler matter to round them up, rather than scouring the entire countryside for them.

So, in the long run, sanctuary cities may be the answer to the problem of illegal entry to the United States. And the liberals.

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